QnA with DnU: Scott Harris
Melba speaks to the owner of the first distillery in Loudoun County, Virginia, since Prohibition.

Samuel Adams Fat Jack Double Pumpkin
Fervere has had it up to here with pumpkin-this and pumpkin-that. But he learns to love again with **Samuel Adams** *Fat Jack.*

Hangar 24 Craft Brewery Hosting a Night of Craft Beer and David Bacco Chocolate on Oct. 29
Press Release from **Hanger 24** in Redlands, California, for their *Night of Craft Beer and David Bacco Chocolate* on Oct. 29, 2012

Samuel Adams Hazel Brown
Both Melba and Fervere review the same beer! What the heck is going on? Once a season, there’s miracles in that Harvest Collection.