Greenport Harbor Leaf Pile Ale
Fervere finally gets his growler of *Leaf Pile* Ale, and it was absolutely worth the wait!

Don Nacho Reposado Tequila
Don Nacho reposado tequila Enjoyable Sweet, citrus, tropical fruit No harsh esters, light, vaporous Very spicy, sweet, slightly smoky Continuing on the tequila train, I have a Don Nacho reposado tequila that was purchased for less than $14, for a…

Samuel Adams Dunkelweizen
Samuel Adams Dunkelweizen Enjoyable Ripe tropical fruit Complex, but mild; malty Clean, malty, slightly bitter Available only the Harvest Collection; not sold in six-packs Samuel Adams included Dunkelweizen in their Harvest Collection, as I noted when I reviewed the Harvest…

Sometimes, helpers need a break: Ommegang Abbey Ale
Melba buys an dubbel abbey ale and enjoys it enough to write a review.

Velho Barreiro Cachaça
Fervere picks up the wrong bottle when shopping for a cheap rum, but makes a serendipitous discovery.