Kelso Carroll Gaarden Wit
Kelso Carroll Gaarden Wit
- Flowery
- Mildly hoppy, peach notes, chamomile
- Almost none
Another trip to Whole Foods yielded a $3.50 32 oz. growler of Kelso Carroll Gaarden Wit, which is made with chamomile, coriander, and orange peel. It’s typically light for a wit, or white, beer—very refreshing and the strongest flavor is the chamomile, meaning it’s a very mild beer. It has slight notes of peach. And while it’s described as spicy, I didn’t find it to be so.
According to the website, in Flash so I cannot directly link to it, the beer is part of Kelso’s coöperative brewery line, and the profits are distributed to the brewery staff. Sounds good to me.
Please note, the beer is Carroll Gaarden with two Rs, two Ls, and two As in “gaarden.” A quick Google search may convince otherwise.