Ponies and Jiggers
It’s been a long time since we’ve served up some shots here at *DnU*. For your consideration:
* The pride of Bay Shore, **Great South Bay Brewery**, won gold at the *Great American Beer Festival* for [*Best Honey Beer*][gsb] with their [delicious *Jetty Cream Ale*][jett]! Fervere has a sweet tooth, and is a big fan of this beer.
* Speaking of great beer, Queens, NY, is the site of the inaugural [*Queens Beer Festival* ][qbf], with lots of great locals from the Five Boroughs and Long Island. It’s being held this weekend, October 15 and 16, 2016, at the LIC Flea & Food. This is also an opportunity for us at *DnU* to point out our new festival announcement list, over to the right of this here post. With all the events happening, it changes from day to day, so check back often!
* Hey, did you notice anything different about the place? We’ve updated our look. We loved our last design, but it just didn’t translate on mobile devices. This design works much better. Have an opinion? Give us a comment below.
* Our new look also joins some new social media we’re on. We have a [**Pintrest** page][pint], which will highlight any recipes that we post on *DnU,* and we also have an [**Instagram** account][inst], which will probably have a lot of pictures of Fervere’s cats. There’s also our [Vimeo page][vim], which hosts any videos we’ve made. That might come in handy, someday…
* Enough about us. Let’s talk rye. It’s gaining in popularity these days, but, before Prohibition, it was the whiskey of choice for Americans. It almost disappeared after WWII. What happened to cause it to fall out of favor and then make a sudden comeback? A [fantastic article on **The Daily Beast**][rye] explains the story of rye, specifically Pennsylvania rye, which was to rye as Tennessee is to bourbon. It really is a great article for those of us who like to know why we’re drinking, not just what we’re drinking.
* The biggest brewery on Long Island in terms of sales, **Blue Point Brewery**, has been brewing from the same spot for the last 20 years. It turns out when business booms, the original location may get a bit cramped. **Blue Point** has been looking for a new place for a while now. Previous plans we’re still on the small side, with Patchogue Mayor Paul Pontieri likening one spot as pouring 16 ounces of beer into a 12-ounce can. Hmmm… evocative. Anyway, it looks like [**Blue Point** will get to move][blue] into the much larger spot, where locals still call it the **Sweezy’s** building, despite **Sweezy’s** closing there in 2003. In the intrim, it’s been occupied by **Briarcliffe College**, which has plans to close by December, 2018. That’ll give **Blue Point** time to decide if the new tap room walls will be painted or wallpapered.
* Local beer club, **Long Island Beer and Malt Enthusiasts** (**LIMBE**), is hosting its [*4th Annual LIMBE Beer and Malt Competition*][libme], where home brewers can test their brews against each other. At least one judge [qualified by the *Beer Judge Certification Program*][bjcp] will be on hand for each style of beer entered. The competition is open, meaning you don’t have to be part of **LIMBE** to submit entries. And, hey, good luck!
* So, what’s for dessert? How about some [drunken ice cream][ice]? With 5% ABV, **Tipsy Scoop**’s ice cream sounds like a wonderful way to end a dinner, or maybe as a new friend when bad news strikes. Remember though, that stuff is addicting, by which I mean eating ice cream while depressed. Still, enjoy everything in moderation, including the article linked, which doesn’t tell you how to get the ice cream, but just posts a bunch of pictures from **Instagram**. What a tease.
Not *DnU*! We don’t tease. We always have booze news that you can use. Or, if you have a hot tip, why not [send it to Fevere][mail]! Remember he is unemployed… and lonely… and would love booze-filled ice cream.
[GSB]: https://www.greatamericanbeerfestival.com/the-competition/winners/
[ice]: http://elitedaily.com/envision/food/ice-cream-booze-alcohol-drunk/1635781/?utm_source=drunkandunemployed
[pint]: https://www.pinterest.com/fervere_ferment/
[rye]: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/09/12/how-pennsylvania-rye-whiskey-lost-its-way.html
[jett]: http://greatsouthbaybrewery.com/jetty-cream-ale/
[qbf]: https://queensbeerfestival.splashthat.com
[inst]: https://www.instagram.com/fervere_ferment/
[vim]: https://vimeo.com/channels/dnu
[blue]: http://www.greaterpatchogue.com/2016/10/14487-patchogue-gives-blue-point-brewery-the-green-light-for-big-move-to-briarcliffe-building/
[bjcp]: http://www.bjcp.org
[libme]: http://libme.brewcomp.com
[mail]: mailto:fervere@drunkandunemployed.com