Hoppiness of the Holidays: Local Gifts for the Beer Lover
Holiday gift giving is easy for the beer lover on your list. Shop locally and support your favorite brewery or beverage distributor.

Champagne Showers
Fevere gets an exclusive first taste of Moustache Brewery Co Champagne Showers, available Friday, November 25 at the brewery in Riverhead, New York.

First Annual Blue Point Logger Lager
Larry from Spider Bite Beer gave a Fervere a ticket to the First Annual Blue Point Beer Logger Lager Festival and made Fervere a very happy man.

The Cuervo Gold
For some, the appeal of tequila is its bad reputation, but the most popular tequila doesn’t even measure up to that. There’s more to tequila than gold.

Ponies and Jiggers
The return of the Booze News You Can Use! Festivals and Competition Winners and Alcohol-infused Ice Cream! What’s not to enjoy?