Samuel Adams Hazel Brown
Samuel Adams Hazel Brown
- Nutty; caramel
- Relatively light; Toffee
- Creamy caramel
Seasonal, available in the Harvest Collection
###Melba’s Review###
When I learned that **Samuel Adams** was making a nut brown ale called [*Hazel Brown*][hb], I knew I had to try it. My awesome [beer distributor][bigz] offers single 12 oz. bottles from 6- or 12-packs for sale, and they had the *Hazel Brown*. My quest to explore the style of beer known as brown ale (a.k.a. my addiction) successfully continues.
The *Hazel Brown* poured into my pint glass with a traditional brownish-amber hue and a wonderful nutty, caramel nose. My first sip presented hop spices hitting the front of my mouth while the taste of caramel and toffee hit the mid-palate. It finished smooth and clean, with a strange happening at the back—the beer seemed to get heavier, creamier, like sucking on a **Werther’s** *Original Caramel* candy. It’s not unpleasing, but it threw me as something I would normally taste at the front of a brown ale profile and not at they very end.**Samuel Adams** continues to do one thing consistently, and that is make good, enjoyable beers. The *Hazel Brown* is no exception. Unfortunately, this beer is only available in the *Harvest Collection,* which is a shame because this beer could easily stand on its own as year-round style.
###Fervere’s Review###
I was glad to see Melba’s review, because I thought the *Hazel Brown* deserved its own review. I had intended to write one of my own. Instead, Melba did the heavy work and I get to say that I enjoyed it, too, and hope to see it more than once a year. I also agree that it’s a great example of what **Samuel Adams** does best—make crisp, tasty, non-threatening beers. Because of that, though, I think it could have been a little bit bolder, a bit more bitter, bringing up the hazelnut flavor, which in *Hazel Brown* is slightly fruitier than nuttier. I thought for sure that would be blown away by it, which of course is my fault, raising my expectations before tasting. Instead, it’s just a good beer, rich and flavorful, with nothing objectionable. There’s nothing wrong with that.
[hb]: http://www.samueladams.com/enjoy-our-beer/beer-detail.aspx?id=33b9e018-70a8-49b4-9c38-c934cea92a67
[bigz]: http://www.bigzbeverage.com/