Malibu’s Correspondent of Summer
We just got a notice from the fine folks at **Pernod Ricard**, distributors of **Malibu** rum, about a fun contest they’re running this summer.

A very special DnU: The Peach Melba
We interrupt your prime time lineup of beer reviews to bring a very special episode of a night with made up cocktails.

The First Long Island Craft Beer Week
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t giddy about this event. To watch—and partake of—the craft brew movement on Long Island has been amazing. It’s come a long way in a short time. I hope Long Islanders come…

Bottle Fund Shout Out
Thanks to the Harlequin for her recent generous donation to the bottle fund. It’s been slow going, but we’ll get there eventually! Only $49 to go.

QnA with DnU: Paul Dlugokencky
Melba interviews Pau Dlugokencky of **Blind Bat Brewing** and get the skinny on producing artisanal beers.