Bottle Fund preview: Cointreau cocktails
A very generous reader, and great lady, whom we’ll call Mel participated in the first, but private, bottle fund drive by bringing over a bottle of Cointreau, an orange and spiced liqueur that is used as a Triple sec in…

Day of the Dead with a twist of lime
Tomorrow, November 2nd, Mexicans celebrate Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, not only honoring those who have passed, but also celebrating of life. Espolón Tequila has teamed up with bartenders from across the US and Mexico to…

The new boom of hard liquor marketing and sports
1800 Silver Tequila has just announced a marketing agreement deal with the New York Knicks. It is the latest hard liquor company to go after teams in the NBA, NHL, and many others for their marketing dollars. They’re all hurting…

Bloody Mary, Bloody Maria
Is it brunch already? Fervere suggests a Bloody Mary anytime, and the Bloody Maria even more-so.

Leyenda del Milagro Tequila
I try **Leyenda del Milagro Tequila**, a smooth, silver tequila, perfect for Margaritas.