Don Nacho Reposado Tequila
Don Nacho reposado tequila Enjoyable Sweet, citrus, tropical fruit No harsh esters, light, vaporous Very spicy, sweet, slightly smoky Continuing on the tequila train, I have a Don Nacho reposado tequila that was purchased for less than $14, for a…

Espolón’s New Look
Cowboy Dan has gone back to Oregon. He was in New York for a few months, but I only got to see him on his last day here at a going away party. Still, it was a very nice party,…

Fast food margaritas
Grabbing a power lunch at Chipotle? You’d be forgiven for not noticing that they now sell Margaritas. Real, tequila Margaritas. Whether it was wine- or tequila- based was posed to them on the Chipolte’s Facebook page. Seems that it’s really…

Is the worm platinum too?
$3.5 million for a bottle of tequila. I better use the good umbrella for the cocktail.

Cranberry Margarita
The simplicity of something like the Margarita or Daiquiri allows mixologists great leeway in experimenting. And as Melba pointed out a couple of days ago, the bounty of ingredients available around this time of year lend themselves to novel cocktails.…