Champagne Showers
Fevere gets an exclusive first taste of Moustache Brewery Co Champagne Showers, available Friday, November 25 at the brewery in Riverhead, New York.

Samuel Adams Fat Jack Double Pumpkin
Fervere has had it up to here with pumpkin-this and pumpkin-that. But he learns to love again with **Samuel Adams** *Fat Jack.*

Samuel Adams Hazel Brown
Both Melba and Fervere review the same beer! What the heck is going on? Once a season, there’s miracles in that Harvest Collection.

Bokrijks Belgian Golden Ale
Fevere is back to beer with a Belgian golden ale that almost, but not quite, tastes like banana.

Samuel Adams 2011 Infinium, Mighty Oak Ale, & Alpine Spring
Three **Samuel Adams** varieties this winter are winners. Only one remains until the spring, so get them fast!