More booze news from the tubes: Ponies and Jiggers for July 25, 2013. Fervere’s going to Canada to sample Toronto’s Festival of Beers!
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A good cider isn’t just for autumn. Hard cider makes deliciously cool cocktails for the summer.
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QnA with DnU: An interview with Sophia Del Gigante, Founder of NY Foodgasm.
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Melba, Mrs. Ferment, and Fervere attended the 5th annual Charity L.I. Beer, Wine, & Food Tasting. Melba files her report: Good times and good causes. And good beer, of course.
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wasabassco: Grand Marnier illustrated ads. wasabassco: Grand Marnier illustrated ads. Digest powered by RSS Digest
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hodgman: Here are some cans of artisanal cocktails. hodgman: Here are some cans of artisanal cocktails. parislemon: nevver: Ads of the World Good call. parislemon: nevver: Ads of the World Good call. Digest powered by RSS Digest
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