Blue Point Spring Fling Ale
In the middle of May, Fervere recommends a spring beer that’s only available from February to April. Thanks, Fervere. We’re sure to remember this for next year.
Upcoming announcements
Our publisher, Jon Russell, has something he wants to say, and he’ll be posting something shortly. Also, we have a very special essay by one of our favorite journalists. Melba has a wonderful essay about drinking a Corkscrew (the cocktail,…
Malibu’s Correspondent of Summer
We just got a notice from the fine folks at **Pernod Ricard**, distributors of **Malibu** rum, about a fun contest they’re running this summer.
Bottle Fund Shout Out
Thanks to the Harlequin for her recent generous donation to the bottle fund. It’s been slow going, but we’ll get there eventually! Only $49 to go.
Vihna do Monte table red
Portugal makes some nice wines. Mrs Ferment finds an inexpensive red wine, and it’s good!