Ponies and Jiggers
Beer sure does taste great in the summer, as does wine, as do cocktails, and—let’s face it—so does ice-cold water. At any rate, here’s some sloshy news.
* Your humble narrator, along with Mrs. Ferment, will be heading up to Toronto this weekend to attend [*Toronto’s Festival of Beer*][tbf], now in its 19th year, thanks to my Canadian friends who won ticket through a local radio contest. Someone does win those things! I’ll try to post pictures from the event whenever I find a WiFi spot to avoid crazy roaming charges. If you’re attending, look for that one guy in the hat. That’ll be me.
* Speaking of beer festivals, folks around Bangor, Maine, can look forward to the [*Bangor Brew Fest*][bbf], taking place August 9 and 10, by the Bangor Waterfront during the annual [*KahBang Music|Art|Film Festival*][kahbang]. Now in its second year, the *Brew Fest* will feature over 20 breweries, a music performance stage, and dozens of exhibitors and special guest speakers. Home-brewing and equipment demonstrations will also take place on-site throughout the weekend. Attendees are also able to attend a variety of music performances, film screenings, and art exhibits as part of *KahBang 2013*.
* **Barrage Brewing**—a licensed nano-brewery in East Farmingdale, New York—is running a [**Kickstarter** campaign][bb] to help it open the doors to its new brewery, which was on track to open before Hurricane Sandy hit. Since then, the brewery was informed that its drainage system was not up-to-code and could not open. With this campaign, **Barrage** hopes to raise enough money to make the needed changes, open its doors, and start brewing its delicious beers. The [campaign runs until August 21][bb].
* The [*Long Island Beer and Malt Enthusiasts*][libme] will be having a brew day at the [**Great South Bay Brewery**][gsb], in Bay Shore, New York, this Sunday, July 28, starting at 10:00 AM. All are welcome to come. Folks looking to learn how to brew all-grain, or to learn a bit more about beer, are invited to attend.
* For our friends in San Francisco, Bay Area’s **T. W. Pitchers’** has just released [*Snake Bite*][twp], a bottled blend of lager and apple cider, based on a popular British pub-mixed drink —the first of its kind in the American beverage industry. It’s 5.1% ABV and is available in over 100 stores and bars in San Francisco.
* Did you know we have a [**Tumblr** site][tumblrd]? We do! We mostly repost articles from the main *DnU* site and other fun things we find in our **Tumblr** feed. One of our recent finds is a [clever artist who animates beer labels][tumblrb] and saves them as GIFs. We’ll be sure to repost his creations.
What news are you drinking? If you have a tip or event, send it on down to [*Fervere*][email], and enjoy every beverage.
[bb]: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/464192469/barrage-brewing-co-lets-get-the-doors-open
[tumblrb]: http://beerlabelsinmotion.tumblr.com/
[tumblrd]: http://dnu.tumblr.com/
[tbf]: http://www.beerfestival.ca/
[libme]: https://sites.google.com/site/beermalt/
[gsb]: http://www.greatsouthbaybrewery.com/home.php
[twp]: http://www.twpitchers.com/
[kahbang]: http://kahbang.com/
[bbf]: http://bangorbrewfest.com/
[email]: fervere@drunkandunemployed.com