Ponies and Jiggers
March has snuck in like a lamb, but there’s plenty of booze news to get us roaring like lions.
* **Tonight**: Our friends at **Empire State Cellars**, in Riverhead, New York, are welcoming in the first batch of *True Believer* cider this season. Join them from 4–6 PM for [complimentary tastings, cheese, cider cocktails, and half-priced glasses of *True Believer* and *True Companion*][1].
* The **Long Island Beer & Malt Enthusiasts** monthly meeting is on March 6, 7:30 PM, at the [**Good Life** in Massapequa][2], New York. There will be a $20 raffle at the meeting, and the grand prize is a pair of tickets
to the *Great American Beer Festival*!
* The [*Spring Craft Beer Festival* is on March 6][3] at **Nassau Coliseum** in Uniondale, New York, with more than 50 craft brewers from around the country, pouring samples of over 100 of their finest brews.
* Back when we went to school, the teachers wrote on the cave walls with boar-bristled brushes dipped in clay pots. They told us that one can of beer, one glass of wine, or one ounce of hard liquor would kill 1,000 brain cells. Well, [they were wrong][4]. Turns out Columbus wasn’t the first guy to discover America either. Who knows what to believe anymore?
* We’ve heard good news that the beer by our great friends at [**Long Ireland Beer**][5] will now be available in Dutchess, Columbia, Greene, and Ulster counties in New York. Congratulations to Greg, Dan, and the entire team at **Long Ireland**!
* In the “who’da thunkit?” department: **AB InBev** is [named in a lawsuit][6], alleging that it waters down *Budwiser*. Now, now, don’t laugh. The real question is: Does **AB InBev** beer-up the water that’s in *Bud Light*?
* And speaking of outrage over some water, last time in *Ponies and Jiggers,* the makers of *Maker’s Mark* stuck their proverbial cork in their [bunghole][10] by letting the public know that they were going to water down their flagship bourbon. Then they took it all back. Maybe we consumers won, but did [the whole incident teach us anything][7]? We can’t say we agree with everything in the linked article, but it was good to read an opinion from someone who actually thought there was a difference between 84- and 90-proof.
We always listen to you, dear readers. If you have a tip or event, send it on down to [*Fervere*][email], and enjoy every beverage.
[email]: fervere@drunkandunemployed.com
[1]: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=scselrgab&v=0015_lm2NH4ZFJrmZqLLWYX3Aco4JCYIpU2Ffy97KJdBzgIqr4p0AzLkgBjnpplh1Q59WkwAwMkcevKq5XymD2WQrrLVnfuPnxxRaqq5wyjXBGPnfXXMRK02TNqJI9SaBiQyxVrYCI3FtFK5Dzmw4NB1g%3D%3D
[2]: http://thegoodlifeny.com/
[3]: http://www.springcraftbeerfestival.com/
[4]: http://mentalfloss.com/article/49024/does-drinking-kill-brain-cells
[5]: http://www.longirelandbrewing.com/
[6]: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-02-26/ab-inbev-overstates-alcohol-in-budweiser-lawsuit-claims.html
[7]: http://matthew-rowley.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-wu-of-makers-mark.html
[10]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunghole “Safe for work!”