Ponies and Jiggers
Welcome to February, where the President Punxsutawney Phil sends his love to all the good couples in the world, or so we’re led to understand. Here’s some booze news.
* [The US Justice Department is attempting to block beer giant **InBev** from finalizing its merger with **Grupo Modelo**][1], makers of *Corona*. If the merger is completed, **InBev** and **MillerCoors**, the second largest brewer in the world, would [control 72% of the US market][2]. The fear, even though the craft beer market is rapidly expanding, is that, with near monopoly control, the big two companies could force smaller brewers off the shelves and raise prices at their whim. As consumers, we speak with our purchases, so please support craft and local brewers.
* And speaking of supporting craft and local brewers, the **Brewers Association** [released a statement in December][3] regarding the rise of “crafty” beer, made by the big corporations, but that are marketed like small, craft brews—beers like *Shock Top* made by **InBev**, and *Blue Moon* made by **MillerCoors**. The **Brewers Association** is not happy with this trend, because the big companies try to hide the pedigree of these faux-craft beers.
* Last week, we pointed out why craft brewers, besides making great beer, are just great folks, when we linked to [*Surge Protector IPA*][4]—the beer created by eight Long Island breweries with all proceeds going to **Long Island Cares** and **Barrier Brewing**. But those Long Island breweries weren’t the only brewers to step up and help **Barrier**. New York’s [**Brewery Ommegang** is brewing 400 kegs][5] of a **Barrier** recipe and also giving the profits for **Barrier** to rebuild. *DnU*’s own intrepid drinker, Melba, got to try the collaboration ale and gave it two pints up!
* We’re working on an article talking about tipping that will be posted soon, but meanwhile keep this in mind: It’s never a good idea to [be a dick to the bartender][6].
* If it’s February, Mardi Gras isn’t far away. **Magic Hat Brewery** has a contest to [celebrate *Carnivale* in Burlington, Vermont][7]. It’ll be chilly, so wear your liquid coat.
* For Super Sunday, [Empire State Cellars is offering 10% off online orders][8] with special checkout code **SB47**. That’s today only, so shop early and shop often.
* Riverhead, New York, is home to our [friends at **Long Ireland Beer**][10] and is going to be [the new home of **Moustache Brewing**][9]. We’ve met the great couple behind **Moustache** and can’t wait for their first brew. A hearty congratulations to **Moustache Brewing** and to Riverhead for becoming a destination for great beer by great folks!
* And more congratulations are in order for [six New York breweries][12], including **Port Jeff Brewing**, who were selected to be part of the [SAVOR: An American Craft Beer & Food Experience][11], June 14 and 15 in New York City.
Send tips, events, and any alcohol-related news to [*Fervere*][email], and enjoy every beverage.
[1]: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/justice-department-sues-to-block-anheuser-busch-inbev-merger-with-grupo-modelo/2013/01/31/642d1010-6bc2-11e2-ada0-5ca5fa7ebe79_story.html
[2]: http://www.motherjones.com/tom-philpott/2013/02/doj-big-beer-were-cutting-you
[3]: http://www.craftbeer.com/news/craft-vs-crafty-a-statement-from-the-brewers-association
[4]: http://sandyreliefbeer.tumblr.com/locations
[5]: http://beerpulse.com/2012/12/ommegang-barrier-relief-collab-profits-to-aid-brewery-that-incurred-100k-in-sandy-damage/
[6]: http://www.xojane.com/relationships/how-to-not-be-a-dick-at-the-bar
[7]: http://www.magichat.net/mardigras/home
[8]: http://empirestatecellars.com/
[9]: http://riverheadnewsreview.timesreview.com/2013/01/43048/another-new-microbrewery-headed-for-riverhead/
[10]: http://www.longirelandbrewing.com/
[11]: http://www.savorcraftbeer.com/
[12]: http://www.corkscapsandtaps.com/?p=1136
[email]: mailto:fervere@drunkandunemployed.com