More on beer and beauty
Remember the commercial for Body on Tap? It was a shampoo that claimed to have beer as one of its ingredients.
Alan Taplow, a former purchasing manager for Bristol-Meyers, states that the beer used in the shampoo was Budweiser, but Anheuser Busch refused to be associated with it. While Body on Tap shampoo is still being sold, it’s no longer made with actual beer (nor produced by Bristol-Meyers), but does list barley and hops as its ingredients.
We want to thank Lynn D from Port St Lucie, FL, for the memories of Beer on Tap!
does it work? I need to get my hair back on top of the head …
AndersN – I’m not sure. I can’t send alcohol to you but maybe I can send you a bottle of beer on tap shampoo for test purposes. :)