Taste Test: Octoberfest beers
Our first official taste test! Fervere and two guests try six different Octoberfest-style beers. What makes

Beer oiled the wheels of civilization
Mrs. Ferment emailed me an article on MSNBC about researchers pretty much determining that the rise of agriculture and the resulting culture-shift to an agrarian society wasn’t so much about growing grains for food as it was growing grains for…

Most wonderful time of the year
Just like we wait for certain beverages to come out in the holiday season, pumpkin-spiced lattes at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, and Oktoberfest-style lagers and pumpkin ales, flavored liquors are getting in on the action with their own version of…

The Breakfast of a Champion
Zenyatta, the 6 year-old philly, with the 19–0 record has a very interesting training regiment. Let’s just say some fine stout is involved.

Ask Mrs. Ferment: Bring wine to a child’s party?
Introducing a new segment called Ask Mrs. Ferment, where you can ask etiquette questions relating to alcohol, which will be answered by Mrs. Ferment. Ms. L from New Jersey asks: Is it appropriate to bring wine to a 2-year old’s…

It’s 5:00 somewhere
When is a good time and place to have a single malt Scotch whisky? According to comedian Joel McHale, it’s in the morning on the Today show. Plastic cups?