Is the worm platinum too?
$3.5 million for a bottle of tequila. I better use the good umbrella for the cocktail.

Georges DuBoeuf Beaujolais Nouveau 2010
I get burnt again by **Georges DuBoeuf** *Beaujolais Nouveau*.

Farm-born and -raised
When I first hear the words “homemade liquor,” I immediately think of toothless old men in the mountains of Appalachia making moonshine, but every culture has a rich history of farmers taking whatever was left over from that season’s harvest…

Happy Thanksgiving
We’re thankful for our readership, which has grown 100% in the last month alone. You folks are why we’re writing. Thank you. I’d like to thank Melba for her awesome posts and finding stuff all over the web for us…

Cranberry Margarita
The simplicity of something like the Margarita or Daiquiri allows mixologists great leeway in experimenting. And as Melba pointed out a couple of days ago, the bounty of ingredients available around this time of year lend themselves to novel cocktails.…