Peak Organic King Crimson, maybe
What’s in the bottle? Fervere purchases a growler of **Peak Organic** *Maple Oat Ale*, but instead gets something unexpected. Could it be *King Crimson*?

Greenport Harbor Leaf Pile Ale
Fervere finally gets his growler of *Leaf Pile* Ale, and it was absolutely worth the wait!

Samuel Adams Dunkelweizen
Samuel Adams Dunkelweizen Enjoyable Ripe tropical fruit Complex, but mild; malty Clean, malty, slightly bitter Available only the Harvest Collection; not sold in six-packs Samuel Adams included Dunkelweizen in their Harvest Collection, as I noted when I reviewed the Harvest…

The Canadian Myth
I was up in Ontario for a wedding, in the beautiful Niagara wine region, this past summer, and got to try a number of different wines. It was a marvelous location, and the wines, mostly Rieslings, were quite good. However,…