QnA with DnU: Mike Prunty, the Backyard Pioneer
The label, _prepper_, conjures up images of a mountain man living in the wilds of Montana with a basement filled with powdered milk, beef jerky, and 20-year old cans of baked beans. Mike Prunty, known to many [on **Facebook**][fb] as [“The Backyard Pioneer”][url], would like to change that image. His wilderness is not the midwest but the suburbia of Long Island, New York. On his website, he offers practical advice from cooking and canning to the best backup generator and wood stoves, often with a cold craft beer at hand. He focuses on “…common-sense prepping with an eye towards real-world applications, and staying away from the freak show that prepping/survivalism has become.”
Did I happen to mention he’s started dabbling in home brewing? I got to ask Mike some questions about alcohol’s place in the prepper’s world.
1. Do you think alcohol has a fundamental place in “prepper” household?
2. What alcohol do you recommend and why?
3. From the pictures on your website, you seem to enjoy craft beer. What are your favorites?
>My wife and I are big fans of [**Sam Adams**][sa] *Octoberfest* and *Fat Jack*. Other favorites include [**Founders**][founders] *Dirty Bastard* and [**Rogue**][rogue] *XS Dead Guy Ale*.
4. You also cook with beer and alcohol. What are your favorite recipes?
>My [“Shot and a Beer Beans”][1] includes bourbon and a good beer. I made them for my recent [*aPORKalypse* event][event], and they were a big hit. I love braising *brats* in a good beer, and “Venison Sauerbraten with Red Wine” is a family favorite.
5. Cocktail olive, maraschino cherry, fancy umbrella or lemon twist?
>My inner Bond screams for the olive, but a fancy umbrella in a Mai Tai on a beach is what I’m really craving right now.

“Beer Can Chicken.” The only proper use of a *Bud Lite*. Photo courtesy of *The Backyard Pioneer* on **Facebook**.
[fb]: https://www.facebook.com/TheBackyardPioneer
[url]: http://www.thebackyardpioneer.com/
[irene]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Irene
[sandy]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Sandy
[noreaster]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_2013_nor%27easter
[knob]: http://www.knobcreek.com/
[sa]: http://www.samueladams.com/
[founders]: http://foundersbrewing.com/
[rogue]: http://rogue.com/
[1]: http://www.thebackyardpioneer.com/2013/03/05/shot-and-a-beer-beans
[event]: http://www.thebackyardpioneer.com/2013/07/04/pig-roast-prep-for-the-aporkalypse/
[2]: http://www.thebackyardpioneer.com/2012/05/29/beer-can-chicken-homestyle-cooking/
[3]: http://www.thebackyardpioneer.com/2013/02/18/beer-cheese-and-sausage-soup/