Ponies and Jiggers
April may be the cruelest of months, but it’s nothing a nice pint can’t fix. Let’s see what’s going on in the far-less stressful world of booze.
* The annual *Long Island Craft Beer Week* (*LICBW*) is almost upon us. You can enjoy your craft beer in style by registering to pick up your very own [*LICBW* pint glass at various locations][1] around the Island on May 9.
* For our Los Angeles friends, check out the 4th annual [*Los Angeles Vegan Beer & Food Festival* on May 4][2], featuring over 30 brewers and 30 vegan food vendors, live music, and sunshine.
* Our next [bottle purchase is *Campari*][4]. The lucky devils over at **The Gothamist** got the distributors of *Campari* to [come down and make a couple of cocktails for them to sample][3]. Sounds good, but why weren’t we invited?
* Our friends at **Empire State Cellars** (**ESC**) in Riverhead, New York, are going to host **Captain Lawrence Brewing Company** for their [*Brewmaster Tasting Series* on May 3, from 6pm–8pm][5]. We hear that **ESC** is getting a case of the very special *Rosso e Marrone*, an American sour ale fermented with grapes and aged for over a year in oak barrels. We’re pretty sure one of those bottles will make it back to *DnU HQ*.
* During the festivities of *LICBW*, **Great South Bay Brewery** (**GSB**) will be hosting the [first annual *Bay Fest* on May 11, from 1pm–5pm][6]. Ticket to the event are $40, $15 for designated drivers. **GSB** will be hosting over 20 different Long Island and New York brewers, with over 50 types of beers. There will be there food, vendors, games, and much more. It looks to be the event of *LICBW*, and our own Melba will be in attendance.
* On Saturday, April 27, our pal, Dave at **Bellport Cold Beer & Soda** (**BCBS**), [will be hosting **Founders Brewery**][7] for a tasting of several of their beers, including *Frangelica Brown*, *Bolt Cutter*, and *Blushing Monk*. We’ll be there, too, to fill out our beer-knowledge of some of these hard-to-find **Founders** styles.
* Dave from **BCBS** is keeping busy this spring and summer. On Thursday, June 13, from 6pm–10pm, he’s having his [5th annual *Long Island Beer, Wine, & Food Charity Tasting*][8], which benefits local charities. The event features craft and home brewers, local wineries, and food by neighborhood eateries. It’s being held at the **Bellport Country Club**. The entire *DnU* staff will be there, too. That’s right, all three of us! [Tickets are on sale now][10].
* Can you believe that there is more Dave from **BCBS** in the booze news? Yes, we’ll be getting Dave to participate in a [*QnA with DnU*][9] in a few days, and then there will be a special treat for our readers in the coming months. Shh! Details soon.
* And continuing in the spirit of charity, [the good folks at **Hoptron Brewtique**][11], in Patchogue, New York, will be donating a portion of their sales on Thursday, May 2, from 7pm–10pm, for the **Barton Center for Diabetes Education**, which runs *Camp Joslin* and *Clara Barton Camp* for children with Type 1 Diabetes, providing them with excellent life skills, diabetes management skills, and confidence and assurance that they are not alone. If you can’t make it for this great cause, *Long Island Beer & Malt Enthusiasts* own [Jennifer Davis has set up a donation link][12].
What news are you drinking? If you have a tip or event, send it on down to [*Fervere*][email], and enjoy every beverage.
[email]: fervere@drunkandunemployed.com
[1]: http://www.longislandcraftbeerweek.com/pintpickup.html
[2]: http://www.losangelesvegan.com/
[3]: http://gothamist.com/2013/04/23/drink_these_tk_campari_cocktails_be.php
[4]: http://drunkandunemployed.com/index.php/bottle-fund/
[5]: https://www.facebook.com/events/174248316062917/
[6]: http://www.greatsouthbaybrewery.com/bayfest/
[7]: https://www.facebook.com/events/620861791272695/
[8]: https://www.facebook.com/events/357616037677060/
[9]: http://drunkandunemployed.com/index.php/category/qna-with-dnu/
[10]: http://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/256793
[11]: http://hoptronbrewtique.com/
[12]: http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/jenniferdavis/slamdiabetes-2013-wiffle-ball-tournament