Samuel Adams Harvest Pumpkin Ale
I was waiting a long time for this. Samuel Adams is now making a pumpkin ale. The catch, however, is that it is only available in the Harvest Collection varietal 12-pack. I’ve been scoping out my local distributors for a couple of weeks now, and it’s finally out.
Besides the Harvest Pumpkin Ale, the 12-pack has Boston Lager, Irish Red, Octoberfest, Black Lager, and a new Dunkelweizen, which I’m also eager to try. If the dunkel is any good, this will be killer varietal 12-pack.The pumpkin ale is good. Some breweries go sweet, but Sam Adams allowed the pumpkin to add touch of sweetness. The spices are reminiscent of pumpkin pie, which actually helps the beer taste sweeter after it’s swallowed. But on the palate, it’s mild with the warm spiciness not overwhelming. It tastes so little like an ale that my wife, a non-beer drinker for sure, determined that, if she had to, she could drink an entire bottle. It doesn’t sound like a complement, but it is. When I opened the second bottle, she took the first sip. It’s definitely one of the best pumpkin ales I’ve had in a bottle.
nice article, keep the posts coming
I’ll have to go back and read all your previous posts now.
Thanks fenderbirds. We are just starting out forgive our late replies. Look for more posts and articles to come.