Tart Cranberry Margarita, revisited
Gosh, it seems like forever since we’ve written anything for our wonderful site. We kind of lost ourselves for a bit when we forgot that we write this for our own amusement, and if our readers enjoy it too, that’s wonderful!

Laird’s Applejack
Melba can’t pass up the allure of *Applejack,* and tries a couple of cocktails made with the apple-flavored liquor.

Cranberry Margarita
The simplicity of something like the Margarita or Daiquiri allows mixologists great leeway in experimenting. And as Melba pointed out a couple of days ago, the bounty of ingredients available around this time of year lend themselves to novel cocktails.…

Bottle Fund preview: Cointreau cocktails
A very generous reader, and great lady, whom we’ll call Mel participated in the first, but private, bottle fund drive by bringing over a bottle of Cointreau, an orange and spiced liqueur that is used as a Triple sec in…