Ellicottville Brewing Restaurant in Fredonia, NY
Fervere goes on the road and finds himself in Fredonia. Hail Fredonia! And hail Ellicottville Brewing Company’s Fredonia location! Turns out, Fervere’s so impressed, he’s going to find himself more local distributors of EBC’s beer!

Trader Joe’s house-brand beers. Part One: The drinkening of the first three
**Trader Joe’s** sells beer?! Since when? Let’s try some of this inexpensive brew.

Brooklyn Summer Ale
Every coin has two sides and many swords are double edged. I’m a big fan of the Cambrian explosion in beer varieties, because I think beer, like tea and coffee–other brewed beverages, has a strong flavor that can play well…

EBC Blue Berry Wheat Beer
Ellicottville Brewing Company (EBC) is a small brewery in western New York. I’d never heard of them before, but came across a six-pack of their Blue Berry Wheat Beer at Superstar, one of the finest beer distributors on Long Island.…

Samuel Adams Noble Pils
A new Sam Adams brew? An American pilsner? 2010 is shaping up to be a great year for beer!