Anchor Brewing Christmas Ale
All the way across the country, in San Francisco, one of the first microbreweries, Anchor Brewing Co., bottles the most legendary craft beers. Anyone who has spent any time drinking with me knows of Old Foghorn, a seasonally brewed barleywine…

Taste Test: Octoberfest beers
Our first official taste test! Fervere and two guests try six different Octoberfest-style beers. What makes

Bottle Fund preview: Cointreau cocktails
A very generous reader, and great lady, whom we’ll call Mel participated in the first, but private, bottle fund drive by bringing over a bottle of Cointreau, an orange and spiced liqueur that is used as a Triple sec in…

Whole Foods Growlers and Greenport Harbor Brewing Leaf Pile Ale
Fervere almost brings home a growler of **Greenport Harbor Brewing** *Leaf Pile Ale* from **Whole Foods**, but ends up, twice, at the bottom of the barrel.

Bloody Mary, Bloody Maria
Is it brunch already? Fervere suggests a Bloody Mary anytime, and the Bloody Maria even more-so.

Ellicottville Brewing Restaurant in Fredonia, NY
Fervere goes on the road and finds himself in Fredonia. Hail Fredonia! And hail Ellicottville Brewing Company’s Fredonia location! Turns out, Fervere’s so impressed, he’s going to find himself more local distributors of EBC’s beer!