Climbing the walls
Confused over the hoopla over the soon to be banned highly caffeinated and highly alcoholic energy drinks? Well, be confused no more. Rachel Maddow in her segment “Moment of Geek” gives a clear-cut explanation on why these energy drinks are…

Please pass the yams and the bourbon
We’ve got many reasons to give thanks, including a full glass. Thanksgiving is not only a time for good eating but for good drinking. So after the bird and sides are in the oven crack open the liquor cabinet and…

150 ways to feel like a pirate
I love rum and diet coke like the next girl but all I have to say is: Whoa! The Tommy Bahama Restaurant & Bar in Las Vegas has an impressive 150+ types of rum from around the world. Don’t know…

Go east young brewery
Long Island’s own Long Ireland Brewery is growing. Construction has just started on its first official microbrewery in Riverhead. This will expand its current offerings of Breakfast Stout, Celtic Ale (an Irish Red), Pale Ale, and Raspberry Wheat, which is…

Most wonderful time of the year
Just like we wait for certain beverages to come out in the holiday season, pumpkin-spiced lattes at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, and Oktoberfest-style lagers and pumpkin ales, flavored liquors are getting in on the action with their own version of…

The Breakfast of a Champion
Zenyatta, the 6 year-old philly, with the 19–0 record has a very interesting training regiment. Let’s just say some fine stout is involved.